Domain Manager Control Panel

Please Log In. Then click Domain Manager Menu -> Home and you'll be prompted to select a domain to manage.
Here is an overview of the features you'll want to manage.

Log In
For full access to all the features, select Log In from the menu (upper left) and submit your user name and password.

If you've lost your password, click on Forgot your password? link and enter your email address.
If your email address has changed, contact for password reset assistance.

Main Password
Change your password for this website including control panel access.

Update Contact Information
If you've moved or changed other contact information, or are transferring your domain to another party, please let us know here.

Change Name Servers
Update Name Servers OR add/edit a name server based on your domain, ie.

DNS Manager *a TCNS Exclusive Service
This service allows you to edit your domain's dns record. Changes made here will disable, move or enable domain services like website and email. Experienced Webmasters and DNS Managers need this.